This development situated on the site of a former cinema in the centre of Guildford consists of the new build construction of 72 residential units, leisure facilities, restaurant and retail, with associated car parking and a landscaped piazza area. The scheme involved intricate demolition and roadworks as well as extensive levels remodelling. PSP were Employer’s Agents and Quantity Surveyors for the project.
Parr StreetLONDON
02Demolition of the existing building and redevelopment to provide a 5-storey (incl. basement) building, comprising commercial floorspace and 24 residential units on 1st to 4th floors. PSP were quantity surveyors, project managers and CDM co-ordinators for the scheme.
Whiteladies RoadBRISTOL
03Development of a former Petrol Filing Station, the scheme is attached to a terrace of Grade II listed buildings. The scope included a new retail store for Marks & Spencer and reconstruction of part of the listed terrace together with flats above. PSP were Employer’s Agent, CA and quantity surveyors for the scheme.
Benyon WharfLONDON
04Benyon Wharf comprised a new mixed build eight storey development, consisting of a basement car park, commercial space and 53 live work units. PSP were Quantity Surveyors, Employer’s Agent and Planning Supervisors to the scheme.
Archway Road ApartmentsLONDON
05A very complex building behind a retained façade to provide 25 residential dwellings, as well as a B1 floor and a retail unit for Co-op. PSP were employer’s agent and quantity surveyors for the scheme.
Haggerston StudiosLONDON
06This development comprised the design and construction of 45 residential apartments, basement commercial space and a ground Tesco retail unit, all with a basement car park. Careful demolition of an existing petrol station had to be undertaken prior to construction. PSP were project managers, Quantity Surveyors and CDM coordinators for the development.
07Demolition of a former sorting office, former court building and redevelopment to provide 64 residential units in three blocks of 4, 5 and 7 storeys, together with B1 floorspace with associated amenity space, landscaping and ancillary works. PSP were appointed as the employers’ agent & CA for the scheme.
Cultural QuarterCROYDON
08Built next to a Royal Charter Market and above a live Thames Water aquifer, this regeneration project comprised extensive utility diversions to facilitate the new build construction of 141 residential apartments, retail space and extensive piazza style landscaping. The scheme also included a new build block with pod apartments. PSP were appointed as Project Managers.